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Journal volumes: 17
Journal issues: 34
Articles views: 703517
Articles downloads: 365151

Total authors: 581
Unique authors: 422
Repeated authors: 159
Repeated authors percent: 27

Submitted articles: 369
Accepted articles: 266
Rejected articles: 25
Published articles: 219

Acceptance rate: 72.09
Rejection rate: 6.78

Average Time to Accept: 282 days
Average Time to First Review: 27.2 days
Average Time to Publish: 26.1 days

Last 3 years statistics:
Submitted articles: 36
Accepted articles: 23
Rejected articles: 2
Published articles: 10

Acceptance rate: 63.89
Rejection rate: 5.56

Average Time to Accept: 145 days
Average Time to First Review: 6.9 days
Average Time to Publish: 154 days
:: Submission Instruction ::

Preparation of Manuscripts

  • Manuscripts submitted to the JSRI must be in English.
  • Use of XePersian or LaTeX is necessary.
  • Authors must be mentioned separately in order of appearance on the article with the following data (Please notice the authorship principles from here)
  • The title of article should be followed by author's name and his/her affiliation. Regular address (es) and e-mail address(es) of the author(s) will be followed at the end of paper.
  • A formula-free abstract with the heading “Abstract” following the author(s) name(s) should be included, but should not exceed 200 words. Keywords and Mathematics Subject Classification code 2010 (MSC 2010) should be given at the end of abstract.
  • Other footnotes should be avoided. Essential notes should be numbered in the text and grouped together at the end of the article.
  • Tables should have short explanatory headings and should be numbered consecutively.
  • Referenced equations should be numbered consecutively with numbers in parentheses appearing on the right hand margin.
  • References should be set out in alphabetical order of the author's name and in chronological order for the same author in a list at the end of the article. They should be given in a standard and complete form (according APA style), as in the following examples:

Journal Paper

Noorbaloochi, S. and Meeden, G. (1983). Unbiasedness as the Dual of Being Bayes. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 78, 619-623.


Pourahmadi, M. (2001). Foundations of Time Series Analysis and Prediction Theory. Wiley, New York.

Single Contribution in a Book:

Reid, N. (1996). Asymptotic Expansions. In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Update, vol. 1, S. Kotz, C.B. Read, and D.L. Banks, eds. Wiley, New York, pp. 32-39.

Technical Report:

Mehran, F. (1978). A Methodology to Obtain Current Economic Data: Estimation of the Quarterly GDP of Iran. Economic and Social Indicators Project, Tech. Rep. #1, Statistical Centre of Iran, Tehran.

(For downloading the Template click here)

  • Abbreviations for the Journals should be taken from a current index issue of Mathematical Reviews.

Proofs and Reprints

  • The corresponding author will ordinarily receive galley proofs. Corrected galley proofs must be returned to the JSRI office promptly. Excessive changes made by the author(s) in the proofs, excluding typesetting errors, will not be accepted.
  • Corresponding author receives two free copies of the issue containing his/her article. Additional offprints can be ordered at cost from the JSRI office immediately after the paper has been accepted for publication.

Note: If JSRI does not receive the PDF of nameless manuscript, the Journal will not be responsible for disclosure of author(s) name(s).

  • A manuscript, which does not conform to the above instructions, may be returned for necessary revision.


  • Submission of a paper is held to imply that it is original and unpublished work that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, and that full copyright clearance has been obtained for any material quoted in it.
  • The unpublished or scarcely available papers cited in the manuscript should be submitted with the manuscript
  • For submission, Corresponding author should register in JSRI website (jsri.srtc.ac.ir). Then he/she should submit two PDF files of manuscript (one with author(s) name(s) and postal and e-mail addresses and the other without name(s) and postal and e-mail addresses) and a XePersion or LaTeX file based on the style file available on the journal webpage.
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مجله‌ی پژوهش‌های آماری ایران Journal of Statistical Research of Iran JSRI
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